Warm Up
6 min AMRAP
- 3 strict dual rope pull-ups
- 6 thrusters @ 45/35 (2 second pause at bottom and top)
- 1 min machine
Part A
- 3 sets of max rep strict dual rope pull-ups (use pull-ups bars if bands are necessary)
Part B - Superset
- 4 x 8 supinated bent over barbell rows
- 4 x 10-15 banded tricep extensions
Work: 3 min
Rest: 3 min
3 rounds
- 10 strict press @ 75/55
- 1 rope climb (RX+ legless)
- 15 thrusters @ 75/55
- Max cal machine (row, bike, ski)
*final score will be the total number of calories completed. If all the thrusters aren’t completed each not completed thruster will count as a negative rep.